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In the works


Writing a book is only the first step in the long and often frustrating journey towards publication. I have two more completed novels on this journey, and I hope they will someday grace bookstore shelves.

roman soldiers
yu symbol keeper
The Second Son

Two brothers live in a country under military occupation, a land seething with rebellion and political and religious strife. Ten-year old Ya’ak idolizes his older brother, Yesh, until he begins to change. Yesh does and says things that strain belief and endanger their family. Ya’ak’s love for his brother turns to fear, then anger, and, finally, hatred.


The Keeper

Yu Lawrence Lysses is an 11-year old Japanese-American boy who loves baseball. His Little League team wins an out-of-town tournament, but the journey home becomes a dangerous quest. Yu has made a promise. To keep it, he must overcome competing supernatural powers, a vindictive executive, a one-eyed giant, a hurricane, a few ghosts, some magic spells, a legendary monster, and his own betrayal of his best friends.


...and more

Two other books are in varying stages of completion. One involves a ghost story from my home town, Rochester, New York. The other is about two girls, one the daughter of a wounded Afghan War veteran; one an Afghan refugee.

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